Adult Forum
On Sunday mornings before worship, we hold adult forum which features a variety of speakers and discussion topics on a wide variety of theological, social justice, political, historical, and biblical themes. These hour long conversations increase our knowledge, enable our spiritual growth, and nurture community.

Wednesday Study and Spirit
Our lives of faith are ever-evolving, and to assist that journey, pastors Mitch and Barb offer Wednesday evening sessions of alternating Bible Study and Spiritual Practices. On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, Barb leads the class in exploring spiritual practices and prayer together. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, Mitch offers Bible study, often on passages connected to the coming Sunday’s readings, or to current events. These series are designed so that participants can attend each week, or drop in as possible. The classes are hybrid, meeting at church and on Zoom; email the office office for details at [email protected].
Liberation Covenant Group
The Liberation Covenant Group gathers several times a year, at church or in people’s home, for prayer, scripture, and a potluck supper. We share communion at the end of each gathering. Our conversations and scripture readings share a particular focus on God’s work of liberation in scripture and in our lives.
This is not a group for any specific group of people, except for people who want to do life together and explore liberation together. It is open to all age groups and all gender expressions. If you are interested, please contact Grace at [email protected].
Young Adult Life Groups
Young Adult and University Students meet weekly after church to discuss books written by current theologians that speak about issues of faith and life. To learn more about the Young Adult Group here.
Book Groups
Throughout the year Harvard-Epworth offers books groups where the congregation is invited to read together and discuss a book. These might result in one-time conversations or a series of meetings.